How Pet Immunity Works in a Motion Detector

How Pet Immunity Works in a Motion Detector


[CLICKING METAL SOUND] Pet immunity is achieved-- Petco, we go where the pets go, or where the pets go. For us, it's pet no-- we don't look where the pets go. So generally speaking, pet immunity is achieved by just not where pets are. You don't have to look downs on pet immune motions. You require at least a seven foot mounting height-- seven and 1/2 feet is usually optimal. The manufacturer of your lens on a pet immunity motion is usually going to be different. So there's going to be fewer of these lower zones and more up top. You want to put it in areas where your pets can't-- basically anything that's alive that's not just a tiny bug, if it gets within six feet of the front, it's going to trip it. I don't care how small. I don't care if it's the tiniest little teacup poodle, if can get within six feet of the front of it-- because the closer you get to it, the bigger you look. So you have to mount your motion detectors where cats or dogs can't climb on furniture to get within six feet of the front of it. They can't climb on the curtains, the blinds, or anything else. Upstairs, a lot of people will put a motion where it looks-- where you're going up the stairs, and the dogs will go up the stairs and set it off. And then the other thing you could do, is the pulse count that we talked about. So usually on these, if there is a pulse count option, they'll tell you to set it on a higher setting, or the less sensitive setting.
