Honeywell SIXFOB - Key Fob for Lyric Controller Videos

Programming a SiXFOB to the Lyric Controller
Programming a SiXFOB to the Lyric Controller

Finding the Serial Number on a Honeywell Key Fob
Finding the Serial Number on a Honeywell Key Fob

Updating the Firmware on a Lyric Alarm System's SiXFOB
Updating the Firmware on a Lyric Alarm System's SiXFOB

Adding a Keyfob to The Honeywell Lyric Alarm System
Adding a Keyfob to The Honeywell Lyric Alarm System

Programming a New SiX Series Device Into an Older Lyric System
Programming a New SiX Series Device Into an Older Lyric System

Lyric SIXFOB: Program to Lyric Security System
A detailed walk-through video tutorial on how to program the Lyric SIXFOB to the Lyric control panel.