Product Manuals

Qolsys IQ Panel 4 - Next Generation Security System - Quick Install Guide - Dated 4/30/21
Qolsys IQ Panel 4 - Next Generation Security System - Quick Install Guide - Dated 4/30/21

Qolsys IQ Panel 4 - Next Generation Security System - Install Guide - Dated 07/16/21
Qolsys IQ Panel 4 - Next Generation Security System - Install Guide - Dated 07/16/21

Qolsys IQ WIFI - Mesh WIFI Device - Data Sheet
Qolsys IQ WIFI - Mesh WIFI Device - Data Sheet

Qolsys IQ WIFI - Mesh WIFI Device - Quick Start Guide Dated 06/15/2021
Qolsys IQ WIFI - Mesh WIFI Device - Quick Start Guide Dated 06/15/2021

Qolsys IQ WIFI - Mesh WIFI Device - Install Guide - Dated April, 2021
Qolsys IQ WIFI - Mesh WIFI Device - Install Guide - Dated April, 2021

Qolsys IQ Panel 4 Flyer - Sales Sheet
Qolsys IQ Panel 4 Flyer - Sales Sheet

City of Sandy Springs Georgia Alarm Dispatch Guidelines - Dated June 2021
This document provided by the City of Sandy Springs, GA outlines the alarm dispatch guidelines for alarm monitoring companies who monitor accounts within their jurisdiction. Sandy Springs, GA recently adopted a Verified Response Policy, whereby their police department will not respond to a burglar alarm unless the monitoring station can provide proof that a crime has been committed at the location. Verification can come in the form of audio, video, or alarm site representative (eye witness). The onsite representative can be an employee, a resident, or a private guard.

Qolsys TSB #210708 Notice Regarding False Tamper Events On IQ Hardwire 16-F - Dated 07/08/2021
The Qolsys TSB #210708 Notice Regarding False Tamper Events On IQ Hardwire 16-F is Dated 07/08/2021. The notice outlines an issue affecting Qolsys IQ Hardwire 16-F in which random false tamper and tamper restore events occur for zones wired to the module. Learn more about the IQ Hardwire 16-F issue.

Qolsys TSB #210705 Notice regarding SRF Sensors ON IQ Panel 2 After AC Power Failure - Dated 07/05/2021
Qolsys TSB #210705 is dated 07/05/2021 it outlines an issue in which legacy SRF sensors (319.5 MHz, 345 MHZ, and 433 MHz) may not report to the IQ2 following AC power failure. It affects IQ2 Versions 2.5.3, 2.5.4, 2.5.5, and 2.6.0. It was fixed in 2.6.1. Learn all about this issue affecting the IQ2.

2GIG-XCVR5e-345 Transceiver Module - Quick Install Guide - Dated 2020 Rev. B X1
The 2GIG-XCVR5e-345 Transceiver Module Quick Install Guide is Dated 2020, and it is Rev. B X1. This guide includes a product description, component locations, power info, transceiver connecting, battery connection, testing, antenna placement, and more. Learn to use the 2GIG XCVR5e-345 with the GC2e.