IQ Panel 4: How Long is the Power Cord

IQ Panel 4: How Long is the Power Cord

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In this video, Dylan from Alarm Grid discusses the length of the included power cable for the Qolsys IQ Panel 4. The included ...


hey DIY Dylan here with alarm grid today we're going to do a video that's going to be uh quite simple it's going to review how long is the power cord that comes with the IQ panel 4 uh so when you get the system it does include a power cord as well as a power transformer um but if you don't want to use the included power cord you can also do custom wiring uh so we're going to review both options for that uh so just to start real quick we have our IQ panel 4 here with the included power wire uh so this wire is 10 feet long um 10 ft long comes with the power transformer pretty easy wiring setup there is a barrel connector that connects to the IQ panel 4 uh and then there are two screw options for the uh power supply itself uh now if you want to use a different wire you can use uh 18 gauge uh two conductor wire since it's only two connections on the power Supply uh and that is going to be a maximum of about 98.5 um fet so that's going to give you a much longer run if you go anything past that length you're going to have issues with the power and you're going to notice issues with the functionality of the quis panel um or again you can just use the included 10t uh power wire that comes with the panel itself all right now uh when you're using the 7v uh power supply for the uh IQ panel 4 this is a DC power supply so polarity does matter if you look at the actual power supply itself it's fairly simple to tell which is which it's going to have a plus icon and a negative icon so when you're doing your wiring either with the included wire or the custom wire just make sure you're following that polarity have your positive to the plus and your negative to the uh minus or the negative symbol okay so we have our iq4 panel currently we have this uh installed onto a desk Mount uh so we're going to review the length of the included wire which I'll review right now the length is uh 10 ft for the included wire I'm going to take the back plate off this so I can show where that's connected but first we want to power down the system so we'll go to the top Gray Bar we'll go to settings advanced settings doesn't matter which code you put in I'm I'm going to put in the installer code 1111 and then we have the power down and we do not want to relaunch the wizard and okay okay lights are off so now I'm going to remove the desk Mount here okay all right put that to the side so when you're using the included wire uh this comes with a barrel connector and there is the uh connection right there when you're plugging this in this can be a little sensitive sometimes so you just want to be careful you don't want to snap it off or break it or anything and then we have the battery here uh so before I start unplugging this I'm going to first unplug the battery that way we have a guarantee there's no power at all going to the system and I'm going to unplug the included cable which again is 10t in length and that 10t cable goes to the included Transformer here uh so this is a DC plug so it does have polarity so we have our red on positive um and then our black on negative you'll see the two indicators right there now if you want a wire that's longer than the 10t wire you can use 18x 2 gauge wiring we have here uh and that you can run up to about 98.5 ft so just real quick to show how that's connected I'm going to disconnect the included wire from our Transformer it's nice and secured there we go and as you can see the included wire has these uh metal Clips right there to make it very easy to install all right so we have our custom wire here going to put red over to positive again since this is DC you want to observe polarity get that there tighten that secured black over to negative okay so red Positive Black negative and then for the iq4 panel so on the inside there's no terminals for wiring there's only the barrel connector but the included mounting plate or the wall plate does have terminals right here these do not require a screwdriver they're just little pushdowns and then when these line up again you want to observe polarity so on here there is a positive and a negative symbol so let me just connect these okay and black okay nice and secured going to reconnect our battery okay battery connected we're going to reinstall the mounting plate all right so looks like I did forget to feed it through the wiring hole there so you want to make sure you do that just reconnect these okay nice and secured we have it through the wiring feed right there reattach that going plug back in our Transformer we got our green LEDs indicating the panel is getting power let's just wait for it to boot up okay so we're getting power there all right so yeah so again if you're using the included wire that's 10t in length if you're going to use your custom wire like we have here uh 18 X2 gauge and runs up to about 98.5 ft and that's about it uh like I mentioned going to be a pretty simple video today that's just reviewing the basic information about the power cord or the optional uh wire run that you can do if you're using your own custom wiring and again just to mention that's going to be 18 gauge uh by two and a maximum length of about 98.5 ft uh if you did like the video please like the video hit our subscribe button and hit the Bell icon to be notified about any future videos we release uh if you had any questions for us feel free to reach out as well we'll be happy to assist you our contact phone number is 888 81877 28 we have an email address which is uh and if you come to our website www. alarmgrid any of those three options uh hope you enjoy the video again my name is Dylan from alarm grid and thank you for watching
