IQ Panel 4: Clear Not Ready Status


In today's video Dylan from Alarm Grid shows you the various ways to deal with open zones on the IQ Panel 4. There are a ...


hey DIY is Dylan here with alarm grid and today we are reviewing why is my iq4 showing not ready uh not ready meaning not ready to arm meaning that you have a sensor that's active so um we're going to do a little zoom in a little bit and show the screen closer but on the uh right side of the screen there is a uh list that will show any active sensors and you can also view all the sensors that are paired with the alarm system when your system is showing not ready to arm uh majority of the time that's going to mean that you have a sensor that's faulted uh which is usually door sensors so if you have a door open or if it's being seen as open so if the sensor and the magnet are not properly aligned that's going to have the sensor show in the active State there and then your system is going to be not ready to arm other things that can cause the not ready to arm state is a tamper uh meaning that the cover of the sensor is not secured and the tamper switch inside the sensor is not being pressed all the way uh if you have a low battery error for a sensor that can also cause the system to be not ready to arm um if you have wired sensors connected to a wir to wireless converter if either Those sensors not getting enough power usually motion sensors uh or if the wiring is not secured that will have the wired to wireless converter see the sensor is active and send that over to the system saying it's active even if it's not so those are some things to check for the wired sensors uh today we're going to be testing our door sensor that we have programmed to our system um and we're also going to go into programming and uh show how to access the auto bypass feature if that is enabled even if you have active zones you can still arm the system because it's going to bypass those zones automatically meaning it's just not going to care about them when you arm the system so if one of those uh doors is opened while it's bypassed it doesn't send any signal to the panel uh so we're going to show how to check that um because if you don't want them to be automatically bypassed you want that feature disabled so we'll go into this we'll test that out we'll show more of the active and the all list uh we'll see our system say not ready to arm we'll resolve that and then arm it okay so we have our iq4 panel here uh now first thing that we're going to do is we're going to check that auto bypass feature to see if it's enabled or disabled for the system so for that we're going to go into programming we're going go to settings advaned settings and we're going to enter in our installer code which is 11 one1 that's the default code after after we are there we're going to go into installation security and arming and then we're going to scroll down until we get to the auto bypass option which is right here so we have this checked meaning it's enabled so again Auto bypass if you have this enabled it doesn't care if you have sensors that are active you're still going to be able to arm the system so for this I'm going to disarm or disable that we'll back out back to the home screen okay so now we have Auto bypass disabled meaning that we have to either resolve the sensor error or manually bypass the sensors so let me just grab our door sensor here I'm going to fault the sensor all right so if you have a door that's opened you're going to see this little symbol here uh the broken link and now just real quick I'm going to go go ahead and close that so it's off the active list but if you go to all that's going to show it there with a Clos link so you can view all your sensors there see the status of them and again on our FAQ and in the guide for the actual system uh we have basically what each of these symbols will mean so you know what it's meaning all right so back again open my door I'm going to try to arm the system there you go so this is essentially showing you all the reasons that you're going to be not ready to arm uh open tampered trouble syn uh trouble synchronizing not Network or failure state so essentially either it's active or there's an issue with it all right so I pressed okay that's going to bypass that sensor we have a new symbol here that's the bypass for that sensor itself so this means if I open and close this door while the system's armed because it's bypassed nothing happens here so I'm going to dis disarm okay I'm going to show real quick let me just tamper the sensor where I'm taking the cover off of it okay so I have the tamper so that's meaning right there we have a new symbol that's our tamper signal or symbol again we're going to go to arm and it's showing us that uh that message again saying the sensor's open sensor is active the sensor has an issue do you want to bypass if not you're going to press cancel if you do want to bypass you're going to press okay so we saw what happened when I press okay last time so I'm going to press cancel and then you can also bypass from this screen here let me just show that again so if you go to the arming oh sorry about that okay so when you go to the arming uh it doesn't really show as much here but if you press this Arrow it's going to pull out and it's going to give us that same list that we had on just our regular screen there so that's going to show us the active sensors in this case it's our front door tampered so if I want to bypass this you're going to press that and then you can bypass an arm and I'll arm the system if not it's going to give us that error message again so we just go back here all right so I want to arm my system without bypassing anything so let me again tamper is the sensor cover or the mounting plate not being secured I'm going to secure that then just so the system can catch up here I'm going to also close it okay perfect right before I did that it did change to just showing front door open so when you have the tamper secured you have that mouning plate secured we don't have that tamper uh symbol anymore we just have it being open and I'm going to close the sensor and then that is there so we have nothing showing on active now so when I go to arm we don't get that error message coming up telling us to resolve the sensor issue we just go straight into the Armed uh arm stay in this case all right okay and that is why your system was showing not ready to arm uh so again there were a few different causes for that um we went over some of that in the intro to the video but we also have our FAQ which has a more detailed uh written out list of all that and what to check for those um so yeah fairly simple you just have to olve that sensor fault or that sensor error that's going to have your system show good to go ready to arm and of course we went over that auto bypass feature so if you have that enabled you're going to be able to arm no matter what um not everyone really wants that because they do want every sensor um protected properly so we went into into programming and showed how to disable that if that's what you'd like to do if you did like the video please like the video subscribe to our YouTube channel and hit the Bell icon uh to to be notified about any future videos we release if you had any questions for us feel free to contact us we have a support phone number which is 888 81877 28 uh we have an email address which is and if you come to our website which is www. alarmgrid dcom we have a live chat option on there as well so feel free to reach out in any of those ways and we'll be happy to assist you again my name is Dylan from alarm grid and thank you for watching
