Desk Mounts for Alarm Systems

When most people think of an alarm panel or keypad, they think of a device mounted to the wall. This turns many people off from trying to install their own system. They might be worried that their installation won't appear neat and clean, or they might be afraid of messing up the wall. As a result, the user will spend hundreds of dollars to have a professional complete what is actually a very simple task.
But fortunately, there is a way around this. Even if you aren't confident in your ability to mount a panel to the wall, you can still achieve a perfect installation. This also applies to users who are unable to drill holes due to lease agreements or other restrictions. You can use a desk mount to conveniently rest your panel or keypad on a desk or table. You won't have to leave your panel or keypad lying flat and unattractive. Instead, you can use the mount to have the device sitting upright and easily accessible. It will be there sitting nice and tall for you to interact with for regular arming and disarming.
You don't need to worry about a desk mount being difficult to install. Most can just be slid into place. All you need to do is make sure that the power wire slides nicely through an available opening. This way, your panel can rest on the desk or table without fear of it falling over or becoming all wobbly. The desk mount will keep the panel sturdy, even while you are away. You won't come home to find your panel lying flat on the table. With a good desk mount, all your worries are put to rest. This doesn't mean the panel will be put to rest. It will be standing up straight.
Some panels like IQ Panel 2 Plus come with a standard desk mount. You might think that you don't have to purchase another one. That may be true. But a specially purchased desk mount will be sturdier and of better quality than a standard desk mount that comes standard. That alone encourages many people to purchase specialty desk mounts. Do you want a sturdy panel, or do you want a flimsy panel? The choice is yours.
A great option is to pair a desk-mounted panel with wireless sensors that are mounted using double-sided foam tape. This way, you won't have to drill any holes to install your security system. This will make your installation super easy. And with an easy-to-program system, you will have no problems even if you are completely new to home security. It all starts with a desk mount for your system from Alarm Grid.