Can Alarm Grid Accept Tax Exempt Certificates?

Yes, Alarm Grid accepts tax exempt certificates. Customers must send tax exempt certificates directly to Alarm Grid. They should send their certificates to Alarm Grid before placing an order or starting monitoring service. Updated certificates should be sent before the old ones expire.

Alarm grid inside security stickers

Alarm Grid began charging sales tax in most US States in early 2019. For some states, Alarm Grid will tax for both orders placed on our website and for monthly monitoring service. For other states, Alarm Grid will tax for orders placed on our website, but not for monthly monitoring fees. And for other states, Alarm Grid will not charge any sales tax. Please see this helpful post for more information about our tax policy. This is the best way to find out if Alarm Grid charges sales tax in your state.

If you have qualified for tax exempt status, then there are a few things you need to do as an Alarm Grid customer. First, you should send us a copy of your current tax exempt certificate before placing an order or starting monitoring service. This will serve as proof that you qualify for tax exempt status. Alarm Grid will retain this information on your records so that you will not be taxed for future orders.

You should also make sure to send us any updated copies of your tax exempt certificate as soon as possible. Ideally, you should send a new copy before your old one expires. This is especially important if you have monthly monitoring service with Alarm Grid. If you fail to send us an updated certificate before a billing cycle, then it's possible you may be charged for sales tax.

The best way to send us a copy of your tax exempt certificate is to scan your certificate and send it to us via email. If you want to send us your tax exempt certificate, or if you have any questions about how Alarm Grid handles tax exemptions, please email We will respond back as soon as possible.

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