How Do I Delete a Wireless Zone from a Simon XTi or XTi-5?

You can delete a wireless zone from a Simon XTi or XTi-5 by accessing the Delete Sensor option that is found within system programming. You will need the system's Installer Code to access the menu. Remember that only zones that have been programmed with the system can be deleted.

Interlogix simon xti front view of wireless security system

The Interlogix or GE Simon XTi and Simon XTi-5 both have the exact same user interface (UI), and they follow an identical process for clearing a zone. Both the Simon XTi and Simon XTi-5 only have (40) zones, so needing to clear a zone to make space for a new sensor is relatively common. Once you access the Delete Sensor option, all of the programmed sensors will be displayed, and you can choose which one to delete.

Complete the following steps to delete a zone from a Simon XTi or Simon XTi-5:

1. Enter Programming. Start from the main screen of the Simon XTi or Simon XTi-5. Click the gear icon in the bottom-right corner. Then use the down arrow on the right side of the screen to scroll between menu options. Locate "Programming", and hit the "Enter" button. Provide the system's Installer Code to gain access to programming. The default Installer Code for a Simon XTi or Simon XTi-5 is 4321. Press "OK" after entering the correct Installer Code.

2. Access Delete Sensors Menu. Once you are inside Programming, choose the option "Sensors. Then select "Delete Sensor" on the right-hand side of the screen. You will enter the Delete Sensors Menu.

3. Delete the zone. Locate the sensor you want to delete. If necessary, use the arrows to scroll through the menu. Remember that sensors are organized by "SN", so make sure that you find the proper one. If you delete the wrong sensor by mistake, then you will need to re-program it. Once you have found the sensor you wish to delete, click the "Delete" button next to it. The system will delete the sensor from programming and clear the zone. You can then repeatedly press the "Close" button in the upper-right corner to return to the main menu.

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