How Do I Set Custom Sounds for TC2 Push Notifications on Android?

You can set custom sounds for TC2 push notifications on Android by configuring the notifications settings within the Settings Menu of the Android device. You must first have Total Connect 2.0 send you a push notification for each notification type that you want to set up a customized sound.

On an Android device, it is possible to set up customized sounds for push notifications. This includes push notifications sent from Total Connect 2.0. However, you can only do this after you have received at least one (1) push notification for the type of notification that you want to set a customized sound. Once that has happened, you will have the option to set a customized sound for that notification within the Notifications Menu of the Settings Menu for the Android device.

It is important to understand that you are changing the settings for the Android device itself when doing this. You are not changing the settings within Total Connect 2.0. The only thing that TC2 is doing is sending out push notifications. It is your Android device that is applying the customized sound upon receiving the push notification. Also keep in mind that you can have a customized sound set up for each different type of push notification sent from TC2. This includes push notifications for faulted sensors, arming/disarming, alarm events, and more.

To set custom sounds for push notifications from TC2, complete the following steps:

1. Ensure everything is enabled. Before getting started, you should make sure that you have everything set up to receive push notifications from Total Connect 2.0. You should first login to the Total Connect 2.0 Mobile App on your Android device. If you do not have the mobile app, you can download it for free from the Google Play Store. If you do not have a Total Connect 2.0 account, talk to your monitoring company about getting access. You can click here to learn more about our monitoring plans for accessing TC2.

Once you are logged-in to the Total Connect 2.0 Mobile App, press the menu icon (3 horizontal bars) in the upper-left corner. Choose Settings, followed by Notifications. Make sure Push Notifications is enabled. Also click on My Notifications, and make sure that notifications are not paused. You will know that notifications are not paused because the bell icon at the top will not have a dash going through it. If you find that notifications are paused, click on the bell icon to un-pause them. In the My Notifications Menu, make sure that every notification that you want to receive alerts for is enabled. You will know that a notification is enabled because its Status will be blue.

Also, make sure that whichever login you use for TC2 on your Android device is set up with the notification group you want to use. You can check and adjust notification groups from within the Notifications Menu. Make sure that the login associated with your Android device is set to a notification group and that the notification group is enabled. Only once everything is properly configured will you be able to receive TC2 Push Notifications to your Android device.

Lastly, make sure that you have notifications enabled for your Android device. Locate the Settings App on your Android device. Choose the Notifications option. Press the "See All" button to see all your available apps. Locate the Total Connect 2.0 App, and make sure that notifications are enabled. Disabling this setting would override any adjustments you made within the TC2 App.

2. Trigger a push notification. You will not be able to configure a customized sound for a push notification until you have successfully received that type of push notification from Total Connect 2.0. Perform whatever action you are wanting to receive a push notification for. This could mean faulting a sensor, arming/disarming your system, or triggering an alarm on your system. Remember that if you a triggering an alarm, you must put your system on test mode first if you have central station monitoring service. You should receive a push notification shortly after you perform the action. Make sure the notification appears. Remember, you must do this for ever notification type you want to receive.

3. Adjust the notification sound. Open the Settings App on your Android device. Choose the Notifications option. Locate the TC 2.0 App. You may need to choose the "See All" option to locate the app. Once you find that app, press and the app button. Do not click the enable/disable button on the right side. Just press the button itself. Once you do, you will be taken to an App Notifications Menu for Total Connect 2.0.

From there, click the option you want to change under the Categories section. It will likely have the title "Notification Channel Name". Again, do not click the enable/disable button. Just click the main part of the button. In the following sub-menu you can change the sound for that particular notification. Click on the Sound option, and you will be prompted to choose whichever available sound you would like. As you can see if the screenshot below, we selected the "Carnival" sound.

4. Repeat for other events. You can set a different sound for different types of system events. This can be seen in the screenshot below where there are two (2) different options under categories. Both have the name "Notification Channel Name", so it may be difficult to differentiate between them. In our case, the top one is for a sensor faulting, and the bottom one is for an alarm event. Try to remember the order in which the push notifications were triggered so that you can keep track.

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