How Many Security Yard Signs Should I Use At My Home?

Security yard signs play an important role in deterring burglars during their process in selecting a home to burglarize. Usually burglars will scope a neighborhood before they break in looking for the easiest target. Statistics show a burglar will usually pass on a home that clearly has an alarm system by seeing yard signs and window stickers. Placing a yard sign at the front entrance of a home or business, 18 - 24 inches above ground, with the monitoring company information facing towards the line of traffic will be easily noticed. As a rule of thumb, a yard sign should be placed at every point of entry. Back doors, side doors, garage doors, also detached garages should have a yard sign. Ideally, reputable alarm company yard signs should be used and not generic signs that can be purchased at home improvement stores. A burglar just might call the bluff when generic signs are used, taking a chance there is no alarm system. Alarm Grid offers yard signs that are easy to read and very durable. Although the first step in preventing a break in is to have yard signs and window stickers, the best way to protect your loved ones and valuables is to install a security system.

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