Is My ADC-V721W Camera Upside Down?

Your ADC-V721W Camera is upside down if the text on the sticker on the back of the device is upside down. You can also check the visor on the camera. However, it's not a problem if the camera was mounted upside down. You can flip the video image on to have it displayed properly.

The easiest way to check whether or not an ADC-V721W Camera is upside down is to check the black visor on the front of the device or the sticker on the back. If the camera is right side up, the portion of the black visor that is jutting outward slightly will be on top. Also, the text on the sticker will be oriented properly. Both of these features can be seen in the following pictures:

However, even if the camera is upside down, it can still capture video that is right side up. This is made possible by flipping the captured image on Doing this will make the video footage appear as though the camera is oriented properly. This feature prevents the user from having to dismount the camera and then remount it so that it is positioned correctly. It also allows for ceiling mounting the camera.

To flip the image for the camera, start by accessing your account. You will need the email address associated with the account and the password. Once you have logged in, locate the Video Device Settings Menu. Then find the ADC-V721W Camera that you want to adjust. Click on the settings for that camera. There should be a checkbox next to a selection to flip the image. Check that box to have the recorded video image flipped. Make sure to save your changes when finished.

After you have made this change, check the live feed for the camera to make sure that it is oriented correctly. Remember, you can change this setting for the camera at any time if desired.

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