What is AlarmNet?

AlarmNet is the division of Resideo (formerly Honeywell) that manages Total Connect 2.0 and the AlarmNet360 Servers. The Resideo AlarmNet division operates as a network for security communications. Their services and offerings are designed exclusively for Honeywell Security Systems.

AlarmNet is most commonly recognized that the company that operates Total Connect 2.0. Remember, Total Connect is not a company. There are no Resideo employees who "work for Total Connect". Instead, there are Resideo employees who operate under the AlarmNet banner with the goal of improving and maintaining the Total Connect 2.0 Platform. AlarmNet also maintains the AlarmNet360 website and servers that host the Total Connect 2.0 platform. For more information on the difference between AlarmNet and Total Connect, please review this helpful FAQ.

One important thing to remember with AlarmNet is that the company does not normally interact with end users directly. Instead, Total Connect 2.0 service and access is facilitated by AlarmNet and provided by an alarm monitoring company, such as Alarm Grid. If an end user is experiencing a problem with their Total Connect 2.0 service, then they will not contact AlarmNet directly. Instead, they will contact their alarm monitoring company to fix the problem. The alarm monitoring company will work to fix any issues on their end and work with AlarmNet if necessary. But there will almost never be a situation where an end user will need to work with AlarmNet.

Additionally, when an alarm monitoring company goes to set up Total Connect service for a customer, they will be working through AlarmNet. Once this process is completed, the monitoring company will then pass on the resources needed for the user to create their Total Connect account. In other words, an alarm monitoring company serves as the "middleman" between the end user and AlarmNet. Then in the bigger picture, AlarmNet is owned as division of Resideo.

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