How Do I Add A Duress Code To My Lyric Security System?

To add a duress code to a Lyric Controller, start by pressing Security icon on the Home screen.

Press Tools, and enter the 4 digit Master Code on the displayed keypad. Honeywell’s factory default master code is 1234.

Select Users. Existing Users will be displayed, along with the Guest and Duress code listings.

There will be option buttons to either Edit, Add New or Delete.

To Set or Change the Duress Code: Press Duress and then ADD or Edit. Enter a 4 digit code, Again, make sure the code is something that will be remembered under stressful situations. In the Lyric Security System, the Duress Code’s user number is 48.

Press Save when completed and the list of user codes will appear again.

A Duress Code is a 4 digit user code, entered on the keypad that will seem like you are disarming the system like always, but will send a silent "duress" signal to a central monitoring station. When a duress signal is received at the monitoring station, trained dispatchers will notify authorities immediately. A duress code should only be used when users feel their life is being threatened.

When adding a duress code - the 4 digit code should be something easy for the user to remember under stressful situations.

The Duress Code requires users to be connected to an alarm monitoring service to be effective.

Any authorized user can enter the duress code if being forced to disarm or arm the system under threat.

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