How Do I Program a Duress Code on a Honeywell L5210?

You can program a duress code on a Honeywell L5210 by accessing the Users Menu of Master Tools Programming. The system can only have one programmed duress code at any given time. Entering the system duress code at any time will send a silent alert to the central monitoring station.

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The duress code should only be used in true emergency situations. Whenever you use this code, a silent alert will be sent to the central station. This alert will tell the central station that you are in distress and that help is needed immediately. Even though the system will disarm as normal, in reality the police will be on their way. Never use this code unless you are in serious danger. But always remember this code for emergency situations. The duress code is automatically assigned user slot 32 on an L5210.

Complete the following steps to program a duress code on a Honeywell L5210:

1. Open the Users Menu. Start from the main screen of the L5210 System. Choose Security > More > Tools > Master Code (default 1234) > Users. You are now if the Users Menu.

2. Configure the duress code. Find the code labeled "Duress". You may have to use the up and down arrows on the right side of the screen to find the code. Click on the code once you find it. This will highlight the code. Then press the Edit button in the lower-left corner to edit that code. Select the User Code field in the bottom-left. Enter in the desired 4-digit duress code, and then press Done in the lower-right corner. Then press the Save button in the lower-right corner to finish configuring the duress code. Any changes you made will be automatically saved, as long as you pressed the Save button.

3. Return to main menu. Press the picture of the green house on the front of the panel to return to main screen. If you want to test the duress code, make absolutely sure you contact your central station before doing so. Failing to contact the central station will definitely result in a false alarm.

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