What Does the Yellow Light Mean on a GSMX4G?

The yellow light on a GSMX4G indicates that data is being transmitted. This light is normal for basic communicator operation. It is nothing to be concerned about, and you should continue to see this light whenever the Honeywell VISTA System is sending out a signal to AlarmNet360.

Honeywell gsmx4g close up of alarmnet cellular alarm monitoring

Every alarm system needs some way of sending outbound communication signals. The most reliable communication method available for an alarm system is cellular communication. This requires a cellular communicator. The Honeywell GSMX4G is an example of a cellular communicator that can be added to a Honeywell VISTA Security System. This is a 4G communicator that offers fast and reliable connectivity with the Honeywell AlarmNet servers.

The GSMX4G has various lights that indicate current status. There are four possible lights on the module. The top light is a green light that indicates whether or not the system is currently connected with AlarmNet. The second light is a yellow light that is used to indicate when data is being transmitted. The third light is a red light that is used to indicate connection troubles. The last light is a green light that indicates signal strength.

If you see the yellow light, it does not mean that there is anything wrong with the system. If the light is solid, then it means that message transmission is pending. If it is doing a quick periodic blink, the unit is in normal mode. This is often referred to as the "heartbeat" LED. If it is doing a fast blink, then the communicator has sent out a message, and it is waiting for network acknowledgement. If it is doing a slow blink, then there is abnormal idle power. If it is doing a slow blink at the same time as the top green LED light, then it means registration with AlarmNet is in progress. If it is off, then the module is not receiving power.

For reference:

Yellow LED Indication Meaning
ON Message transmission pending
FAST BLINK Message waiting for network ACK
SLOW BLINK Idle power abnormal
SLOW BLINK - In unison with green LED Registration in progress

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