How Do I Get Into Honeywell L7000 Programming If I'm Locked Out?

You can get into Honeywell L7000 programming if you're locked out by holding down the panel's front Home button while a system reboot is performed. By performing a very specific sequence of commands, you can then backdoor into panel programming, even if you were previously locked out.

Honeywell l7000 wireless home security system with 7 inch screen

The only reason to perform the backdoor method is if you are locked out of programming. You should check and make sure that you cannot get into programming via the regular method before attempting to backdoor. Begin from the main screen of the L7000. Select Security > More > Tools > Installer Code (default 4112) > Program. If that gets you into programming, then you are not locked out. When exiting programming, you want to make sure to choose "YES" when asked if the installer should be allowed to re-enter programming. Failing to choose "YES" at this prompt will result in you being locked out of programming.

There are two (2) main reasons why users become locked out of programming on an L7000 System. The first is the aforementioned mistake of choosing "NO" when being asked if the installer should be allowed to re-enter programming. As long as you always choose "YES" at that screen, you should not become locked out. The other reason why a user may become locked out is because they lose their Installer Code. That is why keeping the Installer Code at its default of 4112 is recommended. That way, even if you forget the code 4112, you can always look it up again later. Remember that the Installer Code cannot disarm if it was not the code used to arm. As long as you do not use your Installer Code to arm your system, you should have no issues keeping the code at its default.

Complete the following steps to backdoor into programming on a Honeywell LYNX Touch L7000:

1. Perform a reboot. Part of the backdoor process involves holding down the panel's front Home button while power is applied to the system. Therefore, you must perform a reboot. The easiest reboot method involves selecting the appropriate menu option. From the main screen of the system, choose Security > More > Tools > Master Code (default 1234) > Test > Reboot > Yes. The reboot process will begin. You can then continue to the next step.

But if you do not know the system's Master Code, then you must perform a hard reboot. In that case, open up the L7000, and disconnect its backup battery from the port. You can press either the panel touchscreen or the home button on the front of the panel to silence the cover tamper trouble sound. Keep the panel open so that you can reconnect the backup battery later. The entire backdoor process can technically be completed with the panel left open.

After disconnecting the backup battery, unplug the transformer to power down the system. You may need a screwdriver to remove the set screw for the transformer. Wait a few seconds, and then plug the transformer back in to reboot. You can go back and reapply the screw later after completing the rest of the process.

2. Press and hold home. Pay close attention to the L7000 System. Once the panel lights up, press the Home button on the front below the touchscreen, and keep it held down. You must continue holding this button for several moments. The system will go through its usual boot up process. The message "System Standby" should appear. Continue holding down the Home button. You can release the button once the upper bar either turns green with the message "Ready to Arm", or turns yellow with the message "Not Ready to Arm". The backdoor process will then begin.

3. Clear the lockout. You must act quickly after releasing the home button. Immediately press "Security", and then "Arm Stay". If the process was performed as instructed, then a numeric keypad will appear. First click "Clear", and then enter "00". This will take you into the Installer Tools Menu. You can then select "Program" to enter panel programming mode.

4. Prevent future lockouts. Don't get locked out again! If you haven't already, set the Installer Code to 4112 so that you can always look up the code if you forget it. You can use the return arrow in the upper-right to exit programming. Make sure to choose "YES" when asked if you want to "allow the Installer to re-enter programming". If you do not choose "YES", then you will become locked out of programming, and you will need to perform this process again.

If you performed a hard reboot in Step 1, then remember to reconnect the panel's backup battery and close the panel once you are finished. The cover tamper trouble condition can be cleared by disarming the system twice. Also, if you had to remove the set screw for the transformer, remember to put it back into place.

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Yes, unfortunately. And paying too much for very little. All but one of our 3 key fobs have failed (the battery holder/terminals are weak so broken), so I'd like to purchase those and register them myself, and be able to change the settings on a door or two. Guardian can do nothing online, any changes involve a tech visit (we're two-wired to our cable ISP's VOIP, the only thing we use the line for). Despite the not shown "Security" icon, everything else follows the instructions I've found. Entering a known invalid code does nothing, the master code at least gets to the next screen - but of course it's not the Installer's screen. I suspect if I entered the as yet unknown installer's code, I'd get into the full options for programming.
Good Morning, Unfortunately Guardian does make proprietary panels, so some of the settings are similar but different. Are you still currently monitored by Guardian?
My Guardian Alarm supplied panel (Michigan) never has the "Security" icon on the screen. Everything else matches descriptions cited on this site. I've only (yet) soft rebooted and tried several times the procedure (I do have the Master code), I'm after the Installer code. I'll be trying a hard (all power removed) reboot next time . . . but why would the "Security" icon not be present?
Reset on second try, had to unplug power, bat. then worked great. Thanks.

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