Should I Change My Installer Code?

No, you should not change your Installer Code. Leaving the installer code on your security system set to the default presents very little security risk. Additionally, by keeping the Installer Code at the default, you will make it easier for you to access system programming later.

Knowing your Installer Code is necessary for accessing system programming and making changes to your security panel. If you were to ever lose your Installer Code, it would be an inconvenience for you to have to use the backdoor method to regain access to panel programming. In a worst-case scenario, you may lock yourself completely out of programming through the keypad, in which case, you could never make programming changes again. That is why we recommend keeping your Installer Code at its default. This way, even if you forget the code, you can easily look it up and access any important system configuration menus.

Keeping the Installer Code set to the default will not present you with an increased security risk. This is because the Installer Code can only disarm the panel if it was the code used to arm it in the first place. If an intruder were to attempt to disarm your security system using the Installer Code, it would not work unless it was the code that was used to arm your system. For this reason, we strongly advise every user to never arm a security system using its Installer Code. Instead, a user should always use their Master Code or a valid user code when arming and disarming their panel. As long as a user does this, their security system will be protected.

Below are some common installer codes:

The backdoor method of entering programming on a Vista-P Series Panel, and the L7000 can be used if the installer code has been changed, and you no longer know what it is. If this method does not work, you may be locked out of local programming permanently. Check with your alarm dealer, as they may have remote access, and be able to restore your local access.

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