How Do I Include a Schlage Z-Wave Lock w/ the Honeywell Lyric?

You can include a Schlage Z-Wave Lock with the Honeywell Lyric by entering the lock's unique programming code, followed by [0], while the Lyric is in its Z-Wave inclusion mode. It is recommended that you clear the Schlage Lock from the Z-Wave network before attempting to enroll it.

Schlage be469 front z wave touchscreen camelot deadbolt

By pairing a Schlage Z-Wave Lock with your Lyric System, you will be able to control it from the panel. And if your system is monitored and set up with Total Connect 2.0, then you will be able to control it remotely from that platform as well. The pairing process is fairly simple and straightforward, but it will require opening up the lock to access the lock's unique programming code. The programming code is found on a white sticker underneath the device's cover. We strongly recommend writing down this programming code and storing it somewhere safe for easy access later.

Complete the following steps to include a Schlage Z-Wave Lock with the Honeywell Lyric:

1. Find the programming code. Open up your Schlage Z-Wave Lock so that you can find the white sticker with the programming code. A Phillips head screwdriver will be required. You should write down this code and keep it somewhere safe in case you need to access it later. You can close the lock back up once you have the code.

2. Exclude the lock. It is always recommended that you clear a Z-Wave device from the network before attempting to include it. This wipes out any residual programming information and ensures that the device can pair successfully. Start by putting the Lyric into its Z-Wave exclusion mode. This is done by clicking Automation > down arrow > Tools > Exclude Devices. The Lyric will now be in its Z-Wave exclusion mode.

Next, turn your attention to the Schlage Lock. Enter the programming code, followed by the [0] key. This tells the lock to perform its inclusion/exclusion function. Once the Lyric receives the signal from the lock, it will exclude it from the network. The Lyric will display a message stating that a device has been cleared.

3. Pair the lock. Now that you have cleared the lock from the network, you will be able to easily pair it. Return to the Lyric Z-Wave devices menu, and this time choose Include Devices. This will put the Lyric into its inclusion mode for adding Z-Wave devices. Repeat the same process you performed in Step 2 by entering lock's programming code, followed by [0]. The Lyric should display a message stating that a device has been added.

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