How Do I Register A Vista-GSM4G On A Vista 21iP?

The Honeywell Vista-GSM4G is the compatible cell communicator for the Vista 21iP. To register and activate the Vista-GSM4G cell communicator, users must provide a monitoring company with the MAC ID number and the CRC number of the unit. Both the MAC ID number and the CRC number can be found on the side of the box the cell unit came in and or on the unit itself. The MAC ID number is a 12 (twelve) digit number and starts with 00-D0-2D followed by 6 (six) digits - the last 6 (six) digits is required to be provided to the monitoring company. The CRC number is a 4 (four) digit combination of numbers and letters. The entire 4 (four) numbers and letters are required. Users must plan on being monitored when using a gsm cell communicator as only authorized Honeywell dealers can register and activate the unit. Once the MAC ID number and CRC number are provided to the monitoring station (usually during activation) the gsm cell unit can not send signals to AlarmNet servers via cell towers.

The Vista 21iP control panel has a built in 7847i internet communicator. Pairing it with the Vista-GSM4G cell communicator provides the most secure communication for alarm systems. The first path of dual communication is the internet communicator. If the internet goes down for any reason, the GSM4G will automatically send the signal so the security system will never lose communication. Once the internet restores the GSM4G will revert to being the second path of communication.

The advantage of internet alarm monitoring communicators is that the communication speed is faster than that of gsm cellular alarm communicators. The disadvantage is that internet alarm monitoring is not as reliable as cellular alarm monitoring.

Dual communication is extremely secure and reliable for security monitoring service.

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