How Do I Use the Microphone on a Honeywell Lyric C1?

To use the microphone on a Honeywell Lyric C1, you will need to enable the microphone on Total Connect. Once it has been enabled, the device will begin automatically recording audio whenever the camera captures video. The camera settings on Total Connect can be changed at any time.

The Lyric C1, which is also referred to as the IPCAM-WIC1, is a 720p indoor camera that includes a built-in microphone. No external microphone will be needed for the Lyric C1 to record audio. However, the microphone for the device will need to be enabled through Total Connect in order to function. You will also need an alarm monitoring plan that includes access to the Total Connect interactive service, as well as video surveillance. The Platinum-level Plans from Alarm Grid include both of these features.

You can enable the microphone on the Lyric C1 by completing the following steps:

1. Log-in to Total Connect. Log-in to Total Connect using your Total Connect account credentials.

2. Access the camera settings. Locate the "Cameras" tab on the left side of the screen. On the cameras page, locate the Lyric C1 with the settings that you want to change. Press the gear icon to adjust the settings for the camera. The picture below shows the gear icon:

3. Enable the microphone. Find the "other features" tab and expand this section, if necessary. You should see an option for "microphone". Click on the button to the right to enable it. This is shown in the picture below:

4. Save your changes. Click on the blue Save button in the bottom-right corner of the screen to save the change you made to the settings. The microphone on the Lyric C1 will now begin recording whenever the camera is activated,

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