Honeywell VISTA-250BPT Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Partition?
A partition is a separate section of an alarm system that can be controlled independently from other areas of the system. Learn how using partitions can benefit your system.

What Exactly is a Duress Code and a Verbal Duress Code?
When a user enters in a duress code or provides a verbal duress password, the central station operator will know to send immediate dispatch. Learn more about duress codes.

Which Security System Sensors Work Best for Business Alarm Systems?
Alarm systems in businesses can use the same security sensors that are used with systems in residential locations. Find out which security system sensors work best in businesses.

How Does a Monitored Alarm System Work?
Any monitored system is able to send out signals that alert others to system events. This is usually done through a cellular or IP connection. Learn more about alarm systems.

Do I Need a Phone Line for a Home Security System?
Thanks to IP and cellular connectivity, a user does not need a phone line for a home security system. Learn about the communication paths used with alarm systems.

What is the Total Connect Platform?
Honeywell Systems are able to connect with an interactive service platform called Total Connect. This service is used for various system functions. Learn more about Total Connect.

Do Home Security Systems Work when the Power Goes Out?
A security system will remain powered when the electricity goes out by using its backup battery. And cellular service will keep it monitored. Learn more about alarm systems.

How Old is the Honeywell Company?
Honeywell was founded in 1906 as the Honeywell Heating Specialty Company. This makes it 112 years old as of 2018. Find out more about the exciting History of Honeywell.

Why Am I receiving a "Duplicate User Code" Error in TC2?
You will receive a "Duplicate User Code" error if trying to enable partitions on a system with the same 4-digit code assigned to more than one user. Learn to deal with this error.

How Do I Setup Partitioning On My Total Connect Account?
Existing Total Connect accounts will be prompted to "Enable Partitions". Choose "Configure Now" and follow the prompts. Learn to set up partitioning in Total Connect 2.0.