Where Is the MAC Address Listed on a Honeywell L5210?

The MAC address on a Honeywell L5210 is listed in the Comm Diagnostics Menu inside system programming. You will only see the MAC address if you have an L5100-WIFI card installed inside the panel. You must provide the MAC address to your alarm company when activating monitoring service.

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A unique Media Access Control (MAC) address is found on every device that uses internet protocol (IP) communication. This makes the device uniquely identifiable on the network. By adding an L5100-WIFI card, an L5210 System can connect to a WIFI network. As a result, it will have its own MAC address. This is a unique 12-digit code of letters or numbers. The MAC address is found on the communicator itself, but it is usually easier just to find it within panel programming. The CRC code will also be listed, which is usually needed to activate the communicator.

If you would like to find the MAC address for a Honeywell L5210, complete the following steps:

1. Enter programming. You will need to enter programming for the L5210 to find the MAC address. Begin from the main system screen. Choose Security > More > Tools > Installer Code (default 4112) > Program. You should enter programming. If nothing happens when you click "Program", then it means you are locked out of programming. You will need to use the backdoor method to get in. Remember to always select "Yes" when asked if you want to allow the installer to re-enter programming so that you do not get locked out again in the future.

2. Find Communication ID Numbers. From the main programming menu, select the option Comm Diagnostics. Then press the down arrow on the right side of the screen once. Then choose the option Communication ID Numbers. The communication ID numbers will be displayed at the top of the screen.

3. Note MAC and CRC. You should take note of the MAC address and the MAC CRC. You may need this information later. Keep it in a safe place, and do not lose it.

4. Exit programming. Keep pressing the return arrow in the upper-right corner until you return to the main screen. Make sure to choose "Yes" when asked if the installer should be allowed to re-enter programming so that you do not become locked out.

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