Does My VISTA-21iP Support 4G Cellular Communication?

Yes, your VISTA-21iP can support 4G cellular communication. To use 4G, you must install a 4G communicator and have it activated by a monitoring company. There are 2 options for adding a 4G device, internal, or external. The option chosen will determine the information required for activation.

A cellular communicator is a great add-on for a VISTA-21iP panel. This panel already includes an IP-based communicator, and a cellular communicator is a fantastic backup option. Cellular communication is typically more reliable than IP communication due to the fact that cellular towers are rarely down. By using dual path (IP and cellular) communication with your VISTA-21iP, you can ensure that your system will almost never become disconnected from the network. With a cellular module installed and activated, your VISTA-21iP will be able to send and receive signals even when the internet is down, or power is out.

Both internal and external cellular communication modules are compatible with the VISTA-21iP. For an internal 4G communicator, we recommend using the Honeywell VISTA-GSM4G. If an external 4G communicator is desired, we recommend the Honeywell GSMV4G. Both of these communicators make use of the AT&T cellular network.

When installing the Vista-GSM4G communicator, make sure that your VISTA-21iP panel is completely powered down and then proceed with the install. If installing the external communicator, first, power the panel down, then move the panel's jumper to the off position, and proceed with the install.

The video provided below may be helpful when installing the communicator:

Once the communicator has been installed, you will need to have it activated by your alarm monitoring company. Call your service provider, and tell them that you would like to have your cellular module activated. You will be asked to provide the AID and CRC of the internal communicator, or the MAC address and the CRC of the external communicator. This information can be found on a sticker on the communicator. The AID is 12 characters, starting with 7 0's, and the AID is 4 characters long. The MAC address is a 12-digit code that starts with 00-D0-2D. The CRC is a 4-digit code consisting of a combination of numbers and letters.

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