Does the PG9944 Take Pictures or Videos?

The PG9944 takes pictures, not videos. It captures ten (10) consecutive images upon activation, and they are sent to the panel. Some panels like the IQ Panel 2 Plus offer local viewing. The images are strung-together so that they appear as a stop-motion video. But they are individual images.

Dsc pg9944 powerg 915mhz out wireless pir motion detector built

The DSC PG9944 is a PowerG Image Sensor that uses eight (8) internal PIR sensors to detect movement. Each PIR sensor utilizes a quad-detection configuration to ensure accurate detection. When the associated system goes into alarm, the PG9944 will respond by capturing ten (10) consecutive still-motion images. The sensor will then forward these ten images to the panel. If the panel is connected with, then the first of these images will be forwarded to that platform under the "Panel Camera" section. The "Panel Camera Images" feature will need to be enabled for the account by your alarm monitoring company in order for this to occur. The user can then view that image from This can be done through the website or mobile app. Please note that you must also have the Panel Camera Alarm Image Uploads feature enabled on your account. This feature can be enabled by logging into through a web browser, choosing the Automation section, and clicking the toggle to enable the feature. As you can see in the picture below, this account currently has the feature enabled.

When viewing the images locally at the panel, the ten images will be strung-together. As a result, they may appear as a stop-motion video. But it is important to understand that these are still individual images, not a full-motion video. The DSC PG9944 is unable to capture full-motion video. If you want a device that will capture full-motion video upon detecting movement, sound, or other system activity, then it is recommended that you get one or more Security Cameras. We have a very wide selection of Security Cameras available, and we can certainly help you find one that meets your unique needs and requirements. Please note that using Security Cameras will require a monitoring plan that includes access to for video surveillance, such as an Alarm Grid Platinum Plan (Self or Full). The advantage to the DSC PG9944 is that your monitoring plan does not need to include video surveillance in order to receive images on

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