How Do I Adjust the Sensitivity of My Honeywell SiX Motion Detector?

You can adjust the sensitivity of your Honeywell SiX Motion Detector by toggling the pet immunity feature. Enabling pet immunity is the same as low-sensitivity mode. Disabling pet immunity is the same as high-sensitivity mode. The selection can be changed within zone programming.

Honeywell sixpir lyric smart sensor motion

The Honeywell SiXPIR Motion Sensor has a pet-immunity feature that has the sensor ignore small animals walking close to the ground, while still detecting humans walking up-right. The feature will work with animals weighing up to 80 pounds. Since pet-immunity wants to ignore these animals, it will have the device operate in a less sensitive manner. In other words, this is low-sensitivity mode. But if pet-immunity is disabled, then the sensor will operate is a more sensitive manner. This is also referred to as sensitivity mode.

If you have pets, or if you are prone to getting false alarms, it is generally best practice to keep pet-immunity enabled. But if you do not have pets, and you want your motion sensor to operate with the highest sensitivity levels possible, then you can leave the feature disabled. Keep in mind that you may be more prone to false alarms with pet-immunity disabled.

The easiest way to configure the setting is to do so when you initially enroll the sensor using the SiX Programming feature. After choosing edit, you will see an option at the bottom for Pet Immunity. If the button next to it is green, then pet immunity is enabled. If it is grey, then pet immunity is disabled. Make sure to press Save in the lower-right corner after you have made your selection.

If you have already enrolled the sensor and you want to toggle the pet immunity setting, then it is still possible. Complete the following steps to adjust pet immunity for a SiXPIR Sensor that is already enrolled:

1. Access zone programming. Start from the main screen of the Lyric Controller with the system disarmed. Choose Security > Tools > Installer Code (default 4112) > Program > Zones. You are now in zone programming.

2. Choose the sensor. Go through the list of zones and find the SiXPIR Sensor you want to configure. You may need to use the up and down arrows on the right side of the screen. Once you have found the appropriate zone, click on it to highlight it. Then choose "Edit" at the bottom. You have chosen the sensor and entered its programming menu.

3. Toggle pet immunity. Press the down arrow on the right side of the screen. Then find the Pet Immunity field. Set it to the option you want.

4. Save your changes. Press the Save button in the bottom-right corner. Then keep pressing the return arrow in the upper-right corner until you return to the main screen.

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