How Do I Change the Master Code On a Honeywell Lyric Controller?

You can change the Master Code on a Honeywell Lyric Controller by accessing the Users Menu within the Master Tools Menu. Click on the Master slot to highlight the code, and then click the Edit button. Click on the User Code Slot to begin entering a new code. Save the change once finished.

Honeywell lyric controller encrypted wireless security system

There is only Master Code on a Lyric System. This code cannot be deleted, only changed. It is strongly recommended that you change this code from its default of 1234. Keeping the code at the default represents a major security risk. If you ever lose your Master Code, you can reset it back to the default by using the Installer Code. More information can be found in this FAQ. Please note that we advise keeping the Installer Code at its default of 4112.

The Master Code on a Lyric can arm and disarm the system, and it can access the Master Tools Menu. However, it cannot enter into programming. Only the Installer Code can access programming. Complete the following steps to change the Master Code on a Honeywell Lyric Security System:

1. Access Master Tools Menu. Begin from the main screen of the Lyric. Choose Security > Tools > enter Master Code (default 1234). You will access the Master Tools Menu. Remember, if you do not know the Master Code, but you do know the Installer Code, you can reset the Master Code back to its 1234 default using the guide linked earlier in this FAQ.

2. Change the Master Code. Click on the Users option. Locate the Master User, and click on that field to highlight it. Then choose "Edit" in the bottom-left corner. Click on the User Code field. Enter the desired four-digit code. Then press "Done" in the bottom-right corner. Then choose "Save" in the bottom right corner.

3. Return to main screen. Press the picture of the green house on the front of the panel to return to the main system screen. Your changes will be applied, as long as you clicked Save at the end of Step 2.

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