Can I Use the SiXCOMBO for Only Smoke or Only Heat Detection?

Yes, you can use the SiXCOMBO for only smoke detection or only heat detection. The programming settings for the sensor will allow you to enable or disable any of the available functions for the sensor. The functions include smoke detection, heat detection and carbon monoxide (CO) detection.

Honeywell sixcombo wireless smoke heat and co detector

The Honeywell SiXCOMBO is a wireless combination smoke, heat, and CO detector for use with the Honeywell Lyric Alarm System. The life-safety sensor will alert the Lyric upon detecting a threat, and the system will respond with a fire alarm or a carbon monoxide alarm. Each of the three (3) detection functions will use its own wireless zone on the Lyric System, assuming that the detection function is enabled. This means that the SiXCOMBO can use up to three (3) zones on the Lyric.

In most cases, a user purchases the Honeywell SiXCOMBO with the intention of using all the functions. But there may be some cases where a user needs to disable one of the functions. An example might be if they are using the SiXCOMBO in the kitchen. They are afraid that cooking might set off the smoke detection function accidentally, so they want to disable that function and just use heat detection and CO detection. In that case, the smoke detection zone wouldn't be needed, so only two (2) zones on the Lyric would be used by that SiXCOMBO unit.

Enabling and disabling functions for the SiXCOMBO is very simple. Assuming you already have the device enrolled with the Lyric, you can enable/disable functions from within the SiX Programming Menu. From the main screen of the Lyric, choose Security > Tools > enter Installer Code (default 4112) > down arrow on right-hand side > SiX Programming. Then locate the SiXCOMBO device you want to edit. Click on the SiXCOMBO to highlight it. Then choose edit in the bottom-left corner. You will be taken to the device programming screen.

Next to each of the "Services" is toggle button. When the button is green, that means the feature is enabled. When the button is grey, the feature is disabled. You can adjust the enabled/disabled options for smoke, heat, and CO to your liking. Once you have finished, remember to press Save in the bottom-right corner so that any new changes are properly applied.

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