How Do I View the Event Log In a Honeywell Lyric Alarm?

You can view the event log in a Lyric Controller by navigating from the home screen to Security > Tools > Master Code or Installer Code > Events. Events are displayed from the newest to oldest, or filtered by type. Each event has a date, time, and description, with a corresponding event code.

The Honeywell Lyric Controller is an All-In-One touchscreen alarm system with a 7" display. It is capable of storing up to 6,000 events in the local event log. It stores various system events, such as Arming and Disarming, Alarms, Troubles, Bypasses, Monitor Zone events, Z-Wave device events, Voice Trigger Commands, and panel System Events such as AC Loss.

The Event Log is viewable through the panel or it can be exported onto a USB drive. Be sure the USB drive is formatted using FAT or FAT32. NTFS or any other format is not supported. You can save the logs into one of three available file types. These are CSV, MS Word, or XML File formats.

When viewing the logs at the panel, you can choose to scroll through all 6,000 events, or you can filter to only view certain types. These filter options include All, Alarm, Trouble, Bypass, Open or Close, or Non-Security. This will save time if you are looking for something specific.

To view the event log, follow these steps:

1. Select Tools. From the Home screen of the Lyric, select Security, then Tools.

2. Enter Installer Code or Master Code. You should now have a prompt to "Enter Code" and a number keypad to tap either the Installer or Master Code. The default Installer Code is 4112 and the default Master Code is 1234. If an incorrect code is entered, the system will kick you back out to the previous screen.

3. Tap Events. Whether you enter Tools using the Installer or the Master code, it does not make a difference as it pertains to viewing the event log, though the other options you see will differ depending on which code you use. One of the options you will see is Events. Tap this option.

4. Choose how you want to view the logs. You are now viewing the entire event log. The log displays from the newest event at the top left, with the next most recent event at the top right, then continues on the line below, left to right, line by line. Select the up or down arrows to scroll between pages. The event will display the exact date and time of the event, according to the date and time on the panel at the time of the event. It also contains a brief description of the event and the Contact ID Event code. Notice that the Contact ID code will start with an E or an R. E is for when a particular event occurred and the R is for when the event is restored or the condition reverts back to normal. For more details on event descriptions and the corresponding Contact ID codes, please see pages 26 and 27 of the Honeywell Lyric Installation Guide.

The option to view All events is always selected when you first enter the Event Log. You can choose to drill down and only view certain event types. To do this, touch All.

Then you can select the category you want to filter by.

You can then choose to view the selected events on the panel or to export them to a USB Drive.

If you choose to export, you will be instructed to insert the USB memory stick and to select the preferred file type to use when exporting.

5. Exit. When complete, continue to hit the back arrow at the top right of the screen until you return to the Security screen.

The Event Log can be helpful when investigating alarms or other system events for which you need additional information. Exporting can be useful when logs are requested by authorities for investigation purposes, or you want a better way to view a large number of events. There is no way to delete individual events from the log, so you can always be sure that any available logs are complete. The only reason an event will not save to the event log is if the panel has lost AC power and the battery has drained enough to cause a low battery condition. The panel then tries to conserve power and will not save any additional events once the low battery event has been logged, until primary power is restored. If for any reason, the panel gets set back to factory defaults, the entire Event log is erased.

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