Honeywell 6150RF Frequently Asked Questions

What Are The Programming Options For a Honeywell 6150RF?
The programming of a 6150RF allows you to configure it to work with your VISTA system. Follow this guide to learn the programming options and what they mean.

How Do I Program Key Fobs Locally Into a 6150RF Keypad?
To program a key fob locally, enter fob programming. Press any button to learn the Serial Number. Complete the configuration options. Keep reading for details.

How Do I Swap Out A Keypad on a VISTA-20P, VISTA-15P, or VISTA-21iPLTE?
​To replace a keypad, first check its address by holding down the 1 and 3 keys simultaneously. Note the address. Remove the old keypad, install the new keypad, and set the address.

Is My Honeywell VISTA-20P Keypad Alphanumeric?
The best way to determine your keypad type is to enter programming. An Alphanumeric Keypad will display the message "Installer Code 20". Find out if your keypad is alphanumeric.

How Do I Add a Second Push-Button Keypad to a VISTA 20P?
Adding a second keypad to a VISTA 20P is easy. You must power down the panel, connect the keypad, restore power, and address the keypad. Learn how to add a keypad to a VISTA 20P.

What Does 6F On My Alarm System Mean?
The bF error on Fixed English Keypads is is sometimes misread as 6F. This error stands for "backup failure", and it indicates a communication problem. Learn about the bF error.

What is the Best Keypad for the VISTA-20P?
There are plenty of keypad options for the VISTA-20P. But some of the best options are the 6160RF and the Tuxedo Touch Keypad. Discover some great keypads for the VISTA-20P.

How Do I Add a 6150RF Keypad to My VISTA 20P?
A 6150RF Keypad should work with a VISTA 20P System after it has been wired and addressed properly. Learn how to pair a Honeywell 6150RF with a Honeywell VISTA 20P.

How Can I Tell if My Keypad has an RF Receiver Built-in?
If you inherited an alarm system, you might not know if the keypad has a built-in wireless receiver. Find out the capabilities of your system keypad by following this guide.

What Kind of Batteries Does My Honeywell 6160 Use?
The Honeywell 6160 is a hardwired keypad that does not have its own batteries. It receives both primary and secondary power from the panel. Learn about the Honeywell 6160.