What is a Smoke/Heat Combination Detector Called?

A smoke and heat combination detector is called a smoke and heat detector. These sensors combine the functionality of a smoke detector and a heat detector. A combination smoke and heat detector will activate and trigger an alarm upon sensing either smoke or an unusually high temperature.

The advantage to a smoke and heat detector is that it can detect fires in one of two ways. The two things that come with fires are obviously smoke and high temperatures. A smoke and heat detector will activate regardless of whether it detects smoke or high heat first. These devices will typically feature a smoke chamber for sensing smoke, as well as thermometer for detecting high temperatures. This setup can be very good for ensuring a reliable response in the event of a fire. One of the most popular smoke and heat detectors available today is the Honeywell 5808W3 that operates at the 345 MHz wireless frequency.

However, there are situations where it is better to use standalone smoke detectors or standalone heat detectors. For example, a standalone smoke detector can be better-suited for environments where it gets extremely hot. It's not unheard of for false alarms to occur in the summer months of the hottest environments. Likewise, standalone heat detectors can be better-suited for environments where smoke or excessive dust might be present. Some rooms that are often better suited for heat detectors include kitchens where food is regularly being cooked and in designated smoking areas.

There are also life-safety sensors that combine fire detection functionality with the ability the detect lethal carbon monoxide gas. These devices are commonly referred to as combination or combo detectors. These devices can be great for users who want to have a single convenient device for detecting any life-threatening conditions that may occur inside their home or business. One of the most popular combo detectors available on the market today is the Honeywell 5800COMBO that operates at the 345 MHz wireless frequency.

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