How Do I Delete a Door/Window Sensor from My 2GIG Edge?

You can delete a door/window sensor from your 2GIG Edge by accessing the settings menu for the associated zone and then pressing the red Reset Zone button in the bottom-left corner. This is the same process that you will follow for deleting any programmed zone on the 2GIG Edge System.

Keep in mind that when you "delete" a zone from the Edge, you aren't really deleting it, but rather you are "resetting" the zone and removing all the configured programming data that told the system how to respond when the zone was faulted (activated). The zone still technically exists on the system, it's just that now it is an "open" zone without any programming data, and it can be readily used with a new sensor if needed.

Door and window sensors can be removed from the system just like any other zone. Once the sensor is removed, it will not trigger any response on the system if it is activated. You would need to reprogram the sensor from scratch to make the sensor active again on the system. If you only want to temporarily disable a sensor instead of permanently deleting it, then you might consider bypassing the zone instead.

If you want to delete a door and window sensor from your 2GIG Edge, then complete the following steps:

1. Enter Zone Settings. Begin from the main screen of the 2GIG Edge. Click the gear icon in the bottom-right corner. Enter the system's Installer Code (default 1561). Scroll down to find the option for Installer Toolbox, and select that option. Then choose Panel Programming. Assuming that the door/window sensor is wireless, you will choose Wireless Zones. That is almost always the option you will select. However, in the rare instance that you have a wired door and window contact sensor that you no longer want to use with the system, then you would choose Built-in Zones instead. In most cases though, 2GIG Edge Sensors are wireless devices. Whether you choose Wireless Zones or Built-In Zones, the list of zones will be displayed on the left-hand side. You are now in the Zone Settings Menu.

2. Reset the D/W zone. Scroll through the list of zones on the left-hand side to find the door/window zone that you want to clear out from the system. Once you find the zone, click on it to select the zone. Its programmed settings will be displayed on the right-hand side of the screen. To reset the zone, press the red Reset Zone button in the bottom-left corner. The system will ask you to confirm to make sure that you want to do this. Once you reset a zone, you cannot "undo" the action, so make absolutely sure that you want to reset the zone before doing so. The zone will be reset, and the sensor data will be cleared once your press the confirmation button.

3. Return to home screen. To return back to the main system screen, you can repeatedly press the return arrow in the upper-right corner. Any changes you made inside of system programming will be automatically saved. Remember that the "reset" zone will now be open and available for a new sensor to be programmed, if desired.

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