How Do I Get Into the Z-Wave Programming Section On a Honeywell Tuxedo Touch Keypad?

You can enter the Z-Wave programming section on a Honeywell Tuxedo Touch Keypad by choosing Automation and then clicking on the Z-Wave setup button at the bottom of the screen. The Z-Wave programming section is used for adding and removing Z-Wave devices, as well as editing devices that are already programmed.

Honeywell tuxedo touch wifi talking color graphic touchscreen alarm keypad

The Honeywell Tuxedo Touch is a wired touchscreen keypad for a Honeywell VISTA System. One of the main benefits of this keypad is that it doubles as a Z-Wave controller for smart home automation devices. The keypad has its own Automation Menu for this purpose. This is where Z-Wave devices can be added, deleted, and edited. If the keypad is set up with a system that is monitored and associated with Total Connect 2.0, then the user can perform an automation sync to have the programmed devices appear on TC2. However, the first step is to program the Z-Wave devices with Tuxedo Touch Keypad itself. That is done by accessing the Z-Wave programming section.

Complete the following steps to perform Z-Wave programming on a Tuxedo Touch Keypad:

1. Enter Z-Wave programming. Start from the main screen of the Tuxedo Touch Keypad. Click on Automation. Then click on the Z-Wave Setup button. This is the button at the bottom of the screen just to the left of the light switch button. The button features a wrench, screwdriver, and the Z-Wave logo. This will take you to the Z-Wave programming menu where you can add, remove, and edit Z-Wave devices.

2. Perform Z-Wave programming. Now that you have accessed the main Z-Wave programming menu, you can perform any Z-Wave programming functions that you need. If you are looking to add a new Z-Wave device, the typical procedure is to clear it from the network before adding it to the network. This will remove any existing programming for the device and ensure that it can enroll successfully. Many brand-new Z-Wave devices have existing programming information from factory testing. Therefore you will always want to clear a Z-Wave device from the network before adding it.

Assuming that you are trying to add a new Z-Wave device, click on the "Remove Device" button at the bottom of the screen to put the Tuxedo Touch into its exclusion mode. Then activate the enrollment function on the actual Z-Wave device itself. The Tuxedo should state that a device was cleared from the network. Exit exclusion mode. Then click on the "Add Device" button to put the Tuxedo Touch into its inclusion mode. You will then activate the enrollment function on the Z-Wave device again. This will enroll it with the Tuxedo Touch Keypad.

3. Return to home screen. Once you have finished any Z-Wave programming, you can return to the main screen by clicking the picture of the house in the top-left corner.

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