Honeywell VISTA-21iP Frequently Asked Questions

Which Panels Are Compatible With The GSMX4G?
Find out which panels are compatible with the GSMX4G

Why Can't I Upgrade the PROM on My Vista-21iP?
Honeywell recently released a PROM Chip that makes upgrading the VISTA-21iP possible. Learn more about the ability to upgrade the firmware on the Honeywell VISTA-21iP

How do I program my panel to delay on an AC loss?
Learn why you cannot program a panel to delay on an AC loss

Can I use Lyric as a keypad on 15P, 20P, 21iP, 128bpt?
Can the Lyric be used as a touchscreen keypad for other systems?

Can I change the sound on a 6160 from steady to warble?
Learn why the sound cannot be changed on a 6160 from steady to warble

How do I make a 5834-4 operate in high security mode?
Learn how to make a 5834-4 operate in high security mode

How do I install a 4-wire smoke on my VISTA-P system?
Wiring and resetting 4-wire smokes on a P Series panel.

Can I use a Lyric security system w/ a Vista 21iP?
Find out how the VISTA-21ip alarm panel integrates with the Lyric Controller

How Many Fire Zones Are On A VISTA 20P Or 21iP?
Find out how many fire zones are on a vista 20P or 21iP

How Do I Get Into Programming On My VISTA-P System?
Learn how to get into programming on a Vista P system