What Does the Maintenance Feature Do On a 5800COMBO, 5808W3 & 5806W3?

The maintenance feature on a 5800COMBO, 5808W3 and 5806W3 is used to let the user know when the smoke detecting sensor on the device needs to be cleaned. The maintenance feature on all of these devices is programmed with a security panel on its own individual wireless zone using Loop 2.

The photoelectric sensors on a smoke detector are very sensitive pieces of hardware. Over time, the device will collect dust and other debris. This will reduce its overall functionality and performance. To address this problem, these devices should be cleaned regularly. This includes the wireless smoke detectors in the Honeywell 5800 Series.

However, a user might have a hard time determining when the sensor on their wireless smoke detector is dirty and needs to be cleaned. That is why Honeywell added the maintenance feature to these devices. The maintenance feature is programmed to the security panel on a separate wireless zone with a separate loop number (Loop 2). The serial number will be the same as the one used on the zone for smoke detection. If the maintenance feature is triggered due to a dirty sensor, a trouble condition will occur for that zone on the panel. This will let the user know that the device requires maintenance.

The actual configuration for the maintenance zone depends on the type of panel that is being used. For Honeywell LYNX Touch Panels and the Lyric Controller, the Zone Type should be set to "Other", and the Response Type should be set to "General Monitor". This will not report to central station, but it will provide a unique chime followed by "Activity Detected - Zone Description" (where zone description is the voice descriptor entered in Descriptor 1 and Descriptor 2 through zone programming).

For Honeywell VISTA Panels, the Response Type should be set to 12 for "24 Hour Monitor". This will cause a trouble sound from the keypad, along with a display of the zone number. If trouble reporting is enabled, a report will be sent to central station. Silence the keypad by entering a Valid Code + [1]. The display will automatically clear once the zone has restored.

For the 2GIG GC3 and 2GIG GC2, set the Response Type to "24 Hour Auxiliary", and make sure that the Sensor Reports option is set to "Disable" or that you specify proper treatment of the zone with the monitoring station. If the Sensor Reports option is not set to "Disable", a dirty sensor could potentially cause a false alarm.

For the actual steps on how to clean any of these sensors, please consult the manual for the specific device.

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