How do I set up Night Stay zones on a Vista-P Panel?

The Vista-15P, Vista-20P and Vista-21IP series panels offer many convenient features, one of which is the ability to arm in the Stay Mode. When you arm your system in Stay, meaning you're going to be staying on the premises, the system automatically bypasses any zone programmed as an interior zone type. This way, as you walk around inside your home, you don't cause these interior zones to go into alarm. Very convenient, but what if, for example, you have a two-story house, with all the bedrooms upstairs, and the rest of the living space downstairs? When everyone is asleep, you might want to bypass the interior zones upstairs, in the hallway, near the bathroom, but have the downstairs motions remain active. This is where Night-Stay arming comes into play.

Inherent logic in these panels says that, any interior type zone assigned to zone list 5, will be active when arming in the Night Stay Mode. There are a couple of different ways to achieve Night Stay arming. On a 6160 or 6150 style keypad, enter a Valid Code + 3 + 3 (Valid Code + Stay + Stay). On the Tuxedo style keypads, you can choose the way you want the Night button to behave. To do so, go to Setup->System->Advanced Setup: Enter the Installer Code when prompted, then press “Night Setup". You have 5 options to choose from: Away/Stay/Instant/Night/Maximum. For our purposes, you should choose “Night"at this prompt. Exit to the Home screen.

Determine which interior type zones you wish to be armed in the Night Stay mode. For this example, I'm going to choose zones 03, 10, and 14.

  1. From a 6160 or other Alpha Display keypad, Enter Panel Programming (Installer Code + 8 + 00)
  2. Press *81
  3. You'll be prompted with “Zone List Number" - Enter 05 then press *
  4. You'll be prompted with “Enter Zone Num." - Enter ZN* ZN * ZN * and after the last zone 00 * (where ZN is the zone number of a zone you wish to include in this zone list, in our example 03* 10* 14* then 00*)
  5. You'll be prompted with “Del Zn List?" - Enter 0 then press *
  6. You'll be prompted with “Del Zone?" - Enter 0 then press *
  7. This will bring you back to “Zone List Number" - Enter 00
  8. You'll be prompted with “Enter * or #" - Press * 99 to Exit Program Mode.
  9. Test

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You're welcome.
OK. Thx for taking a look at this.
It appears you are correct. I can't come up with a way to do what you want done 100%.
My Type 12 zones work fine and report their status regardless of armed state. The door is wired and there is keypad on partition 2. It looks like I'm stuck having the dog door trigger ha routines as I can't do what I'd like to do via the honeywell programming.
What you're suggesting with Night Stay will definitely not work. Partition 1 zones are controlled by the state of partition 1, and Partition 2 zones are controlled by the state of Partition 2. Zone Type 12 is basically a 24 hour trouble indication, which is why it's not controlled by arming/disarming. Is there any physical keypad assigned to Partition 2? If you assign a zone on Partition 2 as Zone Type 12, do you hear the trouble beeps anywhere when that zone is faulted? Is the dog door wired or wireless?
The underlying problem is that even if a sensor is not armed on an armed partition, such as a motion detector in stay mode, the Vista 20p (honeywell panels in general) do not communicate status of any zone on an armed partition. The exception to this is a zone 12 monitor. And of course an alarm caused by a tripped zone. When I want the dog door armed, I do not want my motions armed as they are used in HA routines (some of which are security in nature). So arming partition 2 in any way negates the communication ability of the motion sensors. What I was hoping to do was some cross partition arming of individual zones via the night Stay mode, but it's not clear that this can be done. This would allow me to arm the dog door at night, while keeping the motion sensors reporting as partition 2 would be unarmed. If I put the dog door on partition 1, and I arm the partition during the day, I can't monitor the status of the door (assuming I set the door as a motion sensor).
When you want the dog door to be armed, do you also want the motions to be armed? If not, then you don't want to use Night Stay as this ARMS motions that would otherwise be bypassed in stay mode. It sounds to me like you need to arm partition 1 as you always have, and then arm partition 2 in Stay mode only. This would arm the dog door (programmed as zone type 3) while automatically bypassing the motions that are assigned to partition 2. I'm not sure how you're arming, quick arming, key fob arming, using automation, but you could create a Macro that would arm partition 1, then goto partition 2 and arm it and log back onto partition 1.
Can anyone describe how partitions work with night stay on a vista 20p. There is no documentation on the subject that I can find. For example, I have a dog door (zone type 3) on partition 2 along with my motion sensors. I rarely if ever arm partition 2, only partition 1, which is where all of my other security zones are located. I programmed the zones this way so that I can monitor the opening and closing of the dog door and motions via a virtual keypad tied into home automation. However, I would like to arm the dog door at night for security. If I place the dog door zone on partition 1, I lose the ability to monitor the open/close of the door while partition 1 is armed. If I use zone type 12 for the dog door, I lose the ability to arm at night. Arming partition 2 defeats the purpose of monitoring the motion detectors. The night stay program option in the manual does not describe whether or not cross partition zones can be added to the list of night stay zones. So I'm not clear if this can be done ie if a zone in partition 2 would trigger an alarm in armed partition 1 if the zone in partition 2 was part of the night zone list and partition 2 was unarmed.
I have an Vista 20P and I'm having trouble with setting up a motion detector such that it is armed during Night-Stay mode. I followed the instructions above perfectly and successfully added the zone with the motion detector to the zone list but the alarm will not trigger during Night Stay when passing in front of the motion detector. I've checked that the zone is on the list and I've deleted it from the list and re-added it just to be sure the addition took. I'm completely exasperated at this point. Any advice?
There is not a way to set up an arming option that is a mix of arm night and arm instant, unfortunately.
Pretty sure arm instant arms all entries as perimeters, without motion sensors. Arm max is the same as instant except it arms the motion sensors. My arm max currently doesn't seem to enabling the motion sensors, that another discussion. At present, i have almost what i want out of the arm night function, motions are on list 5 and would like to change the entry delay to perimeter.
That is referred to as "arm instant". If you enter your master code followed by 7, or the instant key, that feature will enable.
Following the instructions, I have my motion sensors on zone list 5, but is there a way to also arm night mode so that all door entry delays go away and become perimeters?

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