Frequently Asked Questions

Honeywell SiXCT vs SiXMINICT
The two door and window contacts from the Honeywell SiX Series are the SiXCT and the SiXMINICT. Find out how these sensors compare so you can decide which is best for you.

What Is a Honeywell MAC Address?
You need to provide the MAC Address and MAC CRC for any Honeywell System that you want use for IP monitoring. Learn about Honeywell MAC Addresses and how to find them.

What App Can I Use w/ My IQ Panel 2 Plus If I Don't Want to Buy Service?
You need monitoring service to use and control an IQ Panel 2 Plus remotely. There is no app you can use with the system without service. Learn about the IQ Panel 2 Plus.

How Do I Add a User to a VISTA-21iP?
Adding a new user to a VISTA-21iP System is very easy. All you need is a keypad and the system Master Code. Learn how you can add a new user to a Honeywell VISTA-21iP.

Where Should I Install My Honeywell SiXCOMBO?
The SixCOMBO needs to be able to detect smoke, heat and CO gas. The best place to do this is high up on a wall or on the ceiling. Find out where to install your SiXCOMBO.

How Do I Replace a PROM Chip For a Honeywell VISTA Panel?
Replacing a PROM Chip is easy. Power down the panel, remove the old PROM Chip, secure the new one and power the panel back on. Learn how to replace the PROM Chip on a VISTA Panel.

What Are Video Analytics?
By using Video Analytics, you can receive alerts when your cameras detect suspicious activity on your property. Learn about ADC Video Analytics and why they are useful.

How Do I Calibrate an Camera for Video Analytics?
Some Cameras require calibration before they can be used for Video Analytics. This can be done from the ADC Website or Mobile App. Learn how to calibrate an ADC Camera.

Should I Use Fire With Verification?
Fire With Verification means that a smoke detector must be activated twice within a short time for an alarm to occur. Learn why we discourage the use of Fire With Verification.

What Does Fire With Verification Mean?
If a Fire Zone on a security system is set for Fire With Verification, the smoke detector must be triggered twice for an alarm to occur. Learn about Fire With Verification.